Spring Ostara Flowers Journal Note Book Hardcover Ruled Writing Blank Pagan Witch Wicca Imbolc
Spring Ostara Flowers Journal Note Book Hardcover Ruled Writing Blank Pagan Witch Wicca Imbolc
Spring Ostara Flowers Journal Note Book Hardcover Ruled Writing Blank Pagan Witch Wicca Imbolc
Spring Ostara Flowers Journal Note Book Hardcover Ruled Writing Blank Pagan Witch Wicca Imbolc
Spring Ostara Flowers Journal Note Book Hardcover Ruled Writing Blank Pagan Witch Wicca Imbolc
Spring Ostara Flowers Journal Note Book Hardcover Ruled Writing Blank Pagan Witch Wicca Imbolc

Spring Ostara Flowers Journal Note Book Hardcover Ruled Writing Blank Book Pagan Witch Wicca Imbolc Flowery

Regular price $24.99

The possibilities are endless when starting a blank book or journal. They are a perfect way to create a sanctuary for all your daily poetry, story writing, sketching, or just documenting important moments of your day-to-day.

These journals have a velvety smooth laminated hardcover with vibrant color printing. The case binding is flexible but sturdy. 75 sheets of lined paper are included and have a nice medium-weight feel, with just a little bit of texture that is perfect for ink from your favorite pen.

Blank Journal Details:

- Size: 5.75" x 8"
- 150 lined pages (75 sheets)
- Full wraparound print
- Matte finish
- Case wrap binding

Note: 0.5" x 0.5" production barcode visible on the back cover.

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